Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Citizenship in exchange for Spying?

If you are a Muslim applying for citizenship, you might be asked to agree to spy first. If you decline, then you may find yourself in the situation of Mr. Zuhair Mahd and hundreds of other Muslims applying for citizenship.

Mr Mahd had been interviewed and passed his tests and was only waiting on his FBI background check to come back before being approved for citizenship. The government has 120 days to reply to a request for citizenship. Mr. Mahd waited two years.

He finally filed suit in Federal court to move his application forward. He represented himself. And won.

His FBI check came back clean. The government then asked him to supply additional documents and be interviewed again, deviating from the normal process. Mr. Mahd refused and so they have denied his application for citizenship and say he must appeal the decision through the immigration appeals system, which thanks to recent changes is completely separate from the court system in the United States. The appeal process can take years.

Mr. Mahd is again filing suit in federal court to fight this action. Please come out to the hearing and show your support for him.

What: Hearing to determine whether Mr. Mahd can receive his citizenship without delay.
When: Friday, August 31st, 2007
Hour: 11:00am
Where: 901 19th Street Denver, CO
Rm A902

Link to details in this case: http://www.accesstojobs.com/media.html
Link to news coverage: http://www.denverpost.com/headlines/ci_6624187

1 comment:

Zuhair Mahd said...

Wow! So cool to see people I don't know cheering for me. I guess if we take just a little time to do something for others, the world would be a much better place!