Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Call, Walk In For DREAMS

We all have DREAMS and ambitions that we strive for. Millions of teens in the United States are denied the opportunity and the right to pursue theirs.

They are Americans. All that they lack is one piece of paper to be recognized as such.

A paper that would allow them to pursue citizenship and a future here through going to college or serving in the military, the DREAM Act. Many of us do not agree with the military recruitment going on. Let your senator know you prefer a community service path

Tomorrow the Senate will vote on the DREAM ACT.
Call your senators over and over and tell them that you support a citizenship path for youth that includes college and community service options. Tell them you oppose the military service "option".

Tomorrow, Denver Public Schools has a day off. Students from all over the district will walk in to Auraria Campus to make a statement about how much they want the opportunity for an education and to contribute to our State and our Country.
Walk In with them.

# Call Senator Salazar: (202) 224-5852
# Call Senator Allard: (202) 224-5941
Email your Senators

WALK-IN: Make the DREAM Act a REALITY Now!
Wednesday, October 24 at 10am
Auraria Flagpole, Denver (Colfax and Speer)
Let's walk IN to the college campus and show others that we have the right to an education. We will then march to SENATOR KEN SALAZAR's office to demand that he be a cosponsor of the DREAM Act and make the DREAM Act a reality now!

1 comment:

Jordan T said...

CFIR/AFSC Statement on Military Service and the DREAM Act:
While we have always supported the growing movement of immigrant students in demanding their right to education, the military service component of the DREAM Act concerns us.
Education is a human right, and yet immigrant students with in our public school systems face many challenges; they are routinely tracked for behavior and pushed out of schools with racist policies often resulting in poor preparation for college. Studies have shown that for every immigrant student who will attend a two or four year college, twenty will not. Given the pervasiveness of targeted military recruiting among young people of color and the negative effects on their lives, communities, and futures, CFIR/AFSC, as a social justice & peace organization, denounces the poverty draft and its influence.
We reject the military service component which serves as a de facto military draft for undocumented youth. Rather, we believe that immigrant youth should be able to qualify for the benefits of the DREAM Act (instate tuition & a path to citizenship) by performing community service for a more just society, in addition to enrolling in higher education.